Un calendrier mensuel avec des épingles de couleurs variées marquant différentes dates. Les épingles suggèrent des moments clés ou des rendez-vous importants.

Control of employee timetable in Nice, Cannes, Monaco, Marseille, Toulon and Aix en Provence.

How can you be sure that your employee's schedule is respected ? Do you have any doubts, is your company located within the perimeter of Nice, Cannes, Monaco, Marseille, Toulon and Aix en Provence ? Our investigation firm investigates and monitors your employees’ time use.

Controlling employee schedules has become a major issue for companies seeking to optimize productivity and ensure compliance with work schedules. For example, a private investigator could be hired to investigate cases of time-related fraud, such as systematic lateness, unexcused absences or inaccurate time reporting. In business, this may include verifying employee attendance at remote locations or confirming the accuracy of hours billed by external service providers. This approach allows companies to maintain an efficient working environment, prevent potential abuse and ensure transparent management of working time, helping to build trust within the team and ensure fair remuneration.
Un carnet noir, un stylo, une loupe, des lunettes de soleil, un chapeau et un appareil photo posés sur une table en bois, symbolisant les outils classiques d'une enquête discrète et professionnelle.

The investigation framework

Control is sometimes necessary for a non-sedentary or teleworking employee to:

Take stock of your schedule
Regain the confidence of your employee and thus remove doubts and questions
Ensure the legality of employee practices


Control of the employee by shadowing / surveillance
Verification of activity reports and expense reports

The legal framework

Judgment of the Court of Cassation of May 22, 1995

Reminds that the means of control cannot be implemented against employees, without them having been previously informed of the methods and techniques of professional evaluation concerning them.

Article L 121-7 of the Labor Code

It now becomes essential to include in the internal regulations of companies as well as in employment contracts, a sufficiently general clause to encompass, in general, all means of control, while maintaining relative discretion on the exact details. methods put in place, while being sufficiently precise to include surveillance and shadowing.

The Court of Cassation (December 6, 2007)

Retained the lawfulness of a bailiff's report following surveillance. In fact, it considered that the bailiff had limited himself to carrying out purely material findings under regular conditions in a place open to the public. Surveillance of employees in this case was therefore possible.

Criminal law

In the context of unfair competition which falls within the scope of criminal law, the shadowing of an employee as a method of proof is admissible. (Article L 121-7 does not apply)

All CONFIDENCIA INVESTIGATIONS reports are admissible in court

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