Un ensemble de serveurs informatiques illuminés en bleu, symbolisant la complexité et la modernité des systèmes de gestion de données.

Computer investigations - Cybercrime in Nice, Cannes, Monaco, Marseille, Toulon and Aix en Provence

Computer investigations and the fight against cybercrime play an essential role in the current digital context. Indeed, many companies, of all sizes, can be confronted with cybercrime. Is your company located in Nice, Cannes, Monaco, Marseille, Toulon and Aix en Provence or their surrounding areas ? Our private detectives specializing in computer investigations can help you. Equipped with advanced skills, they are experts in facing the growing challenges of cybercrime. They can carry out in-depth investigations to identify the perpetrators of computer attacks, collect electronic evidence, and contribute to the prevention of online fraud. Our detectives can also intervene in cases of data theft, identity theft, and other criminal activities linked to the digital world. Thanks to advanced methodologies and in-depth knowledge of information technologies, our private detectives offer you effective solutions to protect the digital security of your business located in the PACA region.

Un carnet noir, un stylo, une loupe, des lunettes de soleil, un chapeau et un appareil photo posés sur une table en bois, symbolisant les outils classiques d'une enquête discrète et professionnelle.

The investigation framework

As part of the fight against cybercrime and digital insecurity, CONFIDENCIA INVESTIGATIONS has surrounded itself with the services of IT experts to:

Computer data recovery
Analysis and search for malicious elements on computer, tablet and smartphone
Detection of eavesdropping, microphone and spy camera


Recovery of destroyed
or deleted data. (Software, files and/or emails)
Recovery of the history of deleted web pages
File analysis (copy, modification, etc.)
Checking for viruses, keyloggers, spyware
Dusting of sensitive and strategic places

The legal framework

The law relating to data processing, files and freedoms of January 6, 1978 on the protection of personal data.

In an unfair competition dispute, investigations carried out by a private detective which only concern aspects of the professional life of the person being monitored are accepted in the name of proof of the violation of a non-competition clause.

Judgment of 10/22/2014 of the Court of Cassation

Retained on criminal grounds the offense of breach of trust of an employee seizing computer files from his company shortly before leaving it. The presence of a ratified IT charter is perhaps not unrelated to this decision, described as severe, conferring more effective protection on the company's information assets.

Judgment of 05/20/2015 of the Criminal Chamber of the Court of Cassation

Agrees to retain the offense of data theft (the courts until now considered that theft could not be applied to an immaterial thing.) This decision offers victims of computer data theft a penal tool that is clearly more dissuasive than a civil procedure.

All CONFIDENCIA INVESTIGATIONS reports are admissible in court

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