Un curriculum vitae posé sur une table, avec une main pointant vers une section spécifique. Le document contient des informations détaillées sur l'expérience professionnelle et les compétences.

How to check a candidate’s CV and references? Our detectives are investigating in Nice, Cannes, Monaco, Marseille, Toulon and Aix en Provence.

Checking a candidate’s CV and references is a crucial step in the recruitment process, aimed at ensuring the accuracy of the information provided and making informed decisions. In Nice, Cannes, Monaco, Marseille, Toulon and Aix en Provence and surrounding areas, our private detectives offer specialized investigation services to help companies in this process. Our professional and knowledgeable private search agents can confirm the candidate’s employment history by contacting former employers directly, verifying periods of employment, previous responsibilities and reasons for possible departures. In addition, they can ensure the validity of the diplomas and qualifications mentioned in the CV. This meticulous approach ensures employers receive a thorough assessment of candidate credibility, reducing the risk of hiring unqualified individuals or presenting misleading information. Hiring a private investigator to investigate a candidate’s CV and references represents a proactive step to increase the reliability of the recruitment process.

Un carnet noir, un stylo, une loupe, des lunettes de soleil, un chapeau et un appareil photo posés sur une table en bois, symbolisant les outils classiques d'une enquête discrète et professionnelle.

The investigation framework

Trust in a future employee is essential and this trust must be established from recruitment
The CV check allows you to see that your candidate has all their diplomas and the background they say they have
Many candidates do not hesitate to change their CV in order to get the job


Checking the chronology of the candidate's professional career
Verification of the veracity of diplomas
Skill check
Search for open information about the candidate

The legal framework

Any means of monitoring an employee or a candidate for employment must be brought to their attention in advance. If this is not the case, the information collected cannot be used against him.

Article L 1221-6 of the labor code:

The candidate is required to respond in good faith to these requests for information.

November 25, 2015, the Court of Cassation ruled in these terms:

"that the employee had, on three occasions, voluntarily concealed the reality of his professional situation by making it appear that he was hired by the company Cisco whose activity consisted of the sale of products corresponding to the specialization of the employer and that it was proven that the alleged presence of the employee in this company had been decisive for the employer, the Court of Appeal, which highlighted the existence of fraudulent maneuvers which could justify dismissal, legally justified its decision."

Legal concept Cass.soc., March 30, 1999:

Dismissal for false CV is only justified if it appears that the employee is not competent in the position.

All CONFIDENCIA INVESTIGATIONS reports are admissible in court

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