Un homme examinant des conteneurs miniatures avec une loupe dorée, symbolisant la vigilance et la précision dans la détection de contrefaçons. Cette image illustre la rigueur dans l'analyse et la lutte contre les pratiques frauduleuses.

Hire a private detective to fight counterfeiting in Nice, Cannes, Monaco, Marseille, Toulon and Aix en Provence.

Using the services of a private detective is an effective strategy in the fight against counterfeiting. Hire a private detective specialized in investigating counterfeiting in Nice, Cannes, Monaco, Marseille, Toulon and Aix en Provence.

Counterfeiting is characterized by the unauthorized reproduction of articles, brands or intellectual works protected by intellectual property rights. It covers various sectors, from luxury items to pharmaceutical products, representing an illicit imitation of authentic elements. In addition to the significant financial losses it causes for legitimate owners, counterfeiting also poses risks in terms of quality and safety of counterfeit products. Many companies use the services of private detectives to identify and counter these illegal practices, thus preserving the integrity of their original creations.

Un carnet noir, un stylo, une loupe, des lunettes de soleil, un chapeau et un appareil photo posés sur une table en bois, symbolisant les outils classiques d'une enquête discrète et professionnelle.

The investigation framework

Confidencia Investigations supports you in dismantling a parallel production network that benefits from your notoriety:

Customer harm
Damage to the quality of the company's product
Trademark infringement
Decline in turnover
Customer diversion
Possibility of bankruptcy and dismissal


In order to identify the counterfeit product, the distribution network and the clandestine workshop, we set up:

Surveillance / Shadowing
Knowledge intervention
(to differentiate between false and true false)
Intervention of the customs service
and a labor inspector

The legal framework

Copyright Art. L111-1 and -2 of the intellectual property code

Definition of counterfeiting Art. L335-2 to -5 of the intellectual property code

Employee rights Art. L432-2-1 of the labor code

Executive law Art. L120-2 of the labor code

Concealed work Art. L324-9, Art. L362-3 and Art. L362-6 of the labor code

All CONFIDENCIA INVESTIGATIONS reports are admissible in court

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